
19 November, 2011

The Big News

Okay, so this is the end of my third week of the third part of the year. And I am amazed at how quickly things become normal (and normal doesn't mean things aren't still interesting). I had come to the conclusion that it was now or never for experiencing a) a school system that is not the private all-girls one and b) the Real High School Experience. So I announced my intentions and started at my local school on the Monday (rather than continue my homeschooling). Okay, so this local school is pretty mild and you could call it Indie because it is funded also by the French Government. I'm in the English stream i.e. the non-bilingual stream, unless you count singing La Marseillaise in assembly as speaking French. I was really tired on the first week of school, not just because I was in a new system but because I was actually in a system. I met lots of nice people on my first day, so let's call it a happy beginning. Okay, I don't want to harp on about myself or anything, but I just don't know whether or not I'm the type who goes with the flow or not. I think stress makes one tense. Whatever. So  what was bewildering at the start was not being in a different school system (see, I sometimes go with the flow), but that I couldn't identify the types/groups I had evolved with and understood like the ones at my private girls' school. On my first day, a girl asked me whether at my old school there had been "mean girls like in the movies". So I replied with stupid mixed messages saying "I don't know". I found that question funny because I certainly could not match either school to one in a movie.

I can't finish without telling you that I am not Esther Blueburger. On the weekend before I started at school, I had to tell it to my friends and that was pretty scary because I had no idea what their reactions would be (and it was all cool). Which reminds me of how in the first couple of weeks I kept thinking about how at my private girls' school, everyone banded together and hung in class even though their "groups" were pretty exclusive in the playground. And how at this public co-ed place, peoople kind of just stuck in their groups. Ha. So I guess the Indiest place in town is werever me and my homies are hanging this weekend. (I think I use brackets excessively.)

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