
07 April, 2012

I'll Be There For You!!

Here is a list of some of what has been going around in my mind the past couple of days:

  1. Television Shows
  2. Alter Egos (haha, I'm thinking about the ones I used to look at on the Daria website!)
  3. Whether one can successfully liken TV characters to dishes at Yum Cha.
Of these three, I should like to talk about Number One. And in particular, the degree of catchiness and effectiveness of the theme-song. (Are they even called theme-songs? You know, the song that plays with the title! Title-song?)
Here are some that came to my mind quickly:
  1. Postman Pat: 360 degrees for having left such a strong impression. If I were to temporarily lose my memory, it would be one of the first things to come back;
  2. Dance Academy: Sadly I can only say 270 degrees. This is because the song fails to capture the historic vibe of Sydney, which one does, in fact, feel when watching the street scenes;
  3. Summer in Transylvania: Guys, there isn't a second season. This is a cause for sadness. This show has one of my all-time favourite theme-songs! But should I give it 360 degrees when the title page looks kind of homemade? This show cracks me up - every episode Summer was looking for some romance and a chance to get popular;
  4. Dead Gorgeous: This is what I call a good, wholesome television show for big-kids. The theme-song is catchy but, look, take this from a fan, the song is too uncool - it's actually more uncool than the show itself.
  5. Daria: I haven't watched this show in years. If I had a recording of Mystik Spiral's song, I'd play it everyday. 360 degrees.
  6. Friends: 360 degrees. It's truly got a special place in today's culture. Question - what would happen if one went to a busy public place and blasted out a recording of "I'll Be There For You"?
  7. Community: is to be awarded zero degrees/F grade for it's theme-song. Nice attempt at one, either you actually don't have one or it is just so unmemorable that I can't remember it. (I remember the paper-folding, though)
On an aside - Dubstep music. It kind of reflects how modern culture is so influenced by TV shows and video games that they have become inseparable with modern identity. 
And then now something that has come to the population from the media is  being sent back into the media.
Is this ironic?

Another aside - ALERT - the TV show on ABC 3 called The Assistants. It is possibly the most appalling show that channel airs. You know all those things people call inappropriate for children's shows and in very poor taste? The Assistants takes it to the next level and portrays these bad values in a good light. I have only seen one episode and I was shocked. If you are interested in this cause, you should only have to read a synopsis

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