
16 July, 2012

Save the Applause, Please.

OMG, the big news.  Haha.  Ahhh, the holidays, a great time to make plans eventuate.  So here's a short story.

So I just finished watching Ginger Snaps with Joanna, because we'd ben wanting to watch it for like, a year since we saw it on Rookiemag. 

Here's a photo I found of it on the internet.
Pretty much, it's about this girl with the red hair who is bitten by a werewolf and then her sister is trying to cure her.  At first, the two sisters are total emos who although they are wearing millions of layers and a big puffy jacket, don't seem to need to wear tights under their flowy skirts.  And they take all these photos of themselves as dead people with pitchforks through their necks or with a picket fence stuck through their middle and they show it to their class as a powerpoint presentation.  All the adults in the story are idiots and there are a lot of drugs.  Once Ginger becomes a werewolf, she kills a few people.  The thing is, after I watched the film, I asked, "what was the point of it?"  It was insane.  It wasn't even that scary because the whole time, you knew who the baddie was and it was just totally ridiculous.

But the two girls were really Indie, which is the reason to watch Ginger Snaps.  They had the type of teenage bedroom Indies like to talk about and the two sisters were as close as shown in the above picture.  And they went through a TRANSFORMATION which was a Rookiemag theme one month.  Although the younger sister appeared to be really immature, she took on the burden of the sister and the fate of the town into her own hands.  Also, there were ATTITUDE SCENES - strutting around, casting glances and using 'fuck' or 'this is so fucked' as an interjection every ten seconds.  One of the other cool things were that the two actresses were actually quite a lot older than the characters but I never would have guessed!  The two characters were totally relatable but in an absurd fictional way!!!!!!

When you think about the film as a whole, it's actually quite funny because it's so crazy, but when you're watching it you are thinking "where are the jokes?"

So what is the point of the story I am telling?  After watching this film, I remembered I was an Indie.  So Joanna and I started a Tumblr site!!!!!  Can't even remember were we got the idea from, but we acted swiftly!  Greatest achievement of the holidays!  We called it, "I Saw You on the Internet".  Here it is:



06 July, 2012


Why am I typing?  I got up at the crack of dawn to type up an assignment, worked on it during my free period, skipped a class to work on it, and spent all lunch on it as well. Do I want RSI or whatever?

As soon as you hear that someone's made a playlist, you know that guy knows his stuff and is, hence, an Indie.  But what drives the Indie to create a playlist?  The key is in the words "Indie" and "create".  As you surely know, Indies have this innate sense of creativity and this compels them to do creative things, like, all the time.  There's no mundane in the Indie's life - music listening is fancy.

Throughout an Indie's life, they have moods, experiences, awakenings and phases.  How great would it be if your life had a soundtrack.  Frankly, that wouldn't really work out because seeing as there is not a god picking the songs for you, you will be needing hindsight to do this.  This is because the music needs to be reflective of you and your experiences.  Each time you're feeling a certain way, you can scream your heart out to those certain songs that give the message that you need to get through this experience.  Bring them back to their youth or whatever, help you in your time of trial.  Madonna is an artist who really helps people along.  I'm not an expert.

Another reason for creating playlists is to at least get some cudos for coolness when you're felling bitter about your lack of soundtrack to life.

Yet another cause to create them is that once you've put the time and energy into creating a playlist, you've set the mood for your work and so you're able to carry through with one idea for longer.  Otherwise you'd totally not be focused because you'd be being carried off by other creative ideas.

In Stuff White People Like, Christian Lander caps locks the word "warning" and then writes:  "Indie music is perhaps the most dangerous subject you can discuss with white people.  One false move and you will lose their respect and admiration forever."  (What would you say if I told you I listen to the BeeGees nearly everyday?)  To a great extent, you can redeem yourself if one bad song is on a list of great songs.  One song doesn't define your taste.  It's part of a collection of tracks.  And when you're in the mood...

Some people are using 8tracks.  You can make, like a piece of art to go with your playlist.  The thing is that these days, people are making not just playlists to go with their moods but also mood boards etc.  So, like, Indies are being creative all the time.  When you post an 8tracks playlist of your creation, you're bringing it all together.

Good old iTunes.  Take a screenshot of your playlist and Wall post it someone on Facebook.  Aside form the fact that it gets your taste out there, it's a really considerate thing to do for someone because seeing as music is the closest thing to your soul and you are SHARING IT WITH SOMEONE, like, wow, man.  Also, they are LETTING YOU JUDGE THEM and their life experiences based on their tastes.

If you're only going to take one thing away from this blog post, let it be this:  People who upload playlists to Facebook are totally selfless. And you should take advantage of it.  However, you are indebted to the person who shares their soul out to you and who could possibly be CHANGING YOUR LIFE.  Remember this forever.  If you wouldn't plagiarise in your essays, then you shouldn't take on someone else's taste as your own without proper referencing.

03 July, 2012

Nearly the holidays.......

So guess who posted?  Teenage Construct.  So, even though I'm feeling pretty uncreative, I'm posting.
So I was watching this:

And then her top reminded me of:

And this makes me crack up every time.  
So anyway, what's new?  Well, I think I'm sick of the whole not knowing what I'm gonna be when I grow up.  
So next time someone asks, I'll be telling them I wanna be a comedian.  
And then come across as a really boring person.  Which would be, like, a totally unmainstream way to make a joke.
And that's what I love about Indie stuff.  There's, like, no limits or anything, man.  You know what I mean?
But that was all a joke.  What I really will be is a CELEBRITY.  Like this:

Kabam.  Dude.  I am so making a reference to something from the eighties that made pop culture references.  
And that leads me to mention ROOKIEMAG because that has to do with pop culture references.
So anyway, today, for the first time ever, I talked about Rookiemag and Tavi Gevinson with people at my school.  
So we were like, this is like the Rookiemag Road Trip but not.
Don't you just love Clueless?  Seeing as people are calling me preppy, I reckon I should Cher-up a bit.  Like, start chewing chewing-gum.
OMG.  I'm wearing this Ralph Lauren cable jumper.  And I'm almost pretty sure that this guy from One Direction was wearing a cream/white version in a music video.
You know what?  The other day I saw some youngsters and I had one of those long moments where you have one of those deep "life is changing and I so was like unaware" feelings.  And then you go silent and then you can only say one thing in repetition for the next few minutes.  Because I realised youngsters these days dress hipster.  And just then as I was writing this post I realised that they dress like the celebrities called One Direction.  Dude, this is a change for the better.  Gone are the days of the short shorts, supre singlets and pulled up socks.
xoxo.  Homework time!