
16 July, 2012

Save the Applause, Please.

OMG, the big news.  Haha.  Ahhh, the holidays, a great time to make plans eventuate.  So here's a short story.

So I just finished watching Ginger Snaps with Joanna, because we'd ben wanting to watch it for like, a year since we saw it on Rookiemag. 

Here's a photo I found of it on the internet.
Pretty much, it's about this girl with the red hair who is bitten by a werewolf and then her sister is trying to cure her.  At first, the two sisters are total emos who although they are wearing millions of layers and a big puffy jacket, don't seem to need to wear tights under their flowy skirts.  And they take all these photos of themselves as dead people with pitchforks through their necks or with a picket fence stuck through their middle and they show it to their class as a powerpoint presentation.  All the adults in the story are idiots and there are a lot of drugs.  Once Ginger becomes a werewolf, she kills a few people.  The thing is, after I watched the film, I asked, "what was the point of it?"  It was insane.  It wasn't even that scary because the whole time, you knew who the baddie was and it was just totally ridiculous.

But the two girls were really Indie, which is the reason to watch Ginger Snaps.  They had the type of teenage bedroom Indies like to talk about and the two sisters were as close as shown in the above picture.  And they went through a TRANSFORMATION which was a Rookiemag theme one month.  Although the younger sister appeared to be really immature, she took on the burden of the sister and the fate of the town into her own hands.  Also, there were ATTITUDE SCENES - strutting around, casting glances and using 'fuck' or 'this is so fucked' as an interjection every ten seconds.  One of the other cool things were that the two actresses were actually quite a lot older than the characters but I never would have guessed!  The two characters were totally relatable but in an absurd fictional way!!!!!!

When you think about the film as a whole, it's actually quite funny because it's so crazy, but when you're watching it you are thinking "where are the jokes?"

So what is the point of the story I am telling?  After watching this film, I remembered I was an Indie.  So Joanna and I started a Tumblr site!!!!!  Can't even remember were we got the idea from, but we acted swiftly!  Greatest achievement of the holidays!  We called it, "I Saw You on the Internet".  Here it is:



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