
12 August, 2012

Indies on the Offensive

Yeah, what the hell. I actually read that whole article.  Guess I'm chubby.  So, are we criticising hipsters in today's interview?
That's somewhat how I remember its birth.  I remember we were all living in this group house.  It was pretty exclusive.  I guess you could call it Indie, if you wanna give it a label. [gives a look I can't decipher.  don't know if being ironic or actually giving a condescending death-stare] By exclusive, I don't mean racist or sexist or anti-GLBTQ or anything, it's just...you wouldn't get it.  Anyway, then these guys, don't wanna name any names.  Bloody shit-head commercial people (that's the downfall of today's youth) came and made these bloody commercial extensions on the house, crappy job.  And then there were all these hipsters about.  Like, it was no surprise to me.  Like, if this had been TV, it would  have been just as surprising as at the end of a home-renovation show when the family gets back from their weekend away.
So, you're saying you read that long article?
Bloody hell yeah.  I see their point.  That guy was saying something about hipsters not creating stuff...well, as you can see on this Tumblr site I found, there's this phrase, "Hipsters buy art, Indies create art."  And I'd like to say three things in response to your question and in relation to this quote:
a)  If you're creative, this creativity is innate, and it's gonna come out no matter what.  Why the hell do you think oppressed people still make art?  Like, some countries actually don't let you express yourself.  For real.  But there are hard-core artists.  And the same thing is true even of countries like this one today.  Why do you think it's been so hard for me as an artist?  Because people want you to fucking conform!
b) Conformism is part of human nature.  That's a truth my High School English Teacher revealed to me.  So you can't hate the hipsters.  Just as creative people will create no matter what, the hipster is just a mainstream conformist and will conform no matter what.
c) I'd like to thank the hipsters for supporting my art.
That was deep.  Now, what can you say you feel about the last paragraph of the article?  Would you say you find its depth to be moving?
I'm not sure I can say that.  I'm just not sure about the whole Western civilisation thing.  I guess that in the end, we're all gonna die...

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